Calendar of Events
The American Recorder Society provides this calendar as a convenience to our members. Event information is provided by the event sponsors, and any questions should be submitted to the contact in the event listing.

January 2024
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Events available for Registration...

Second Level Beginners' Alto Class with Anne Timberlake
2/4/2025 - 2/25/2025
register for this event...

FREE Online Alto Recorder Class for Beginners with Lisette Kielson
3/5/2025 - 3/15/2025
register for this event...

Second Level Beginners' Class with Annette Bauer: Continuing Technique (soprano/tenor recorder)
3/18/2025 - 4/8/2025
register for this event...

Events in the month of January 2024
1/3/2024 - 1/13/2024
If you’ve taken one of ARS’ Online Beginners’ Courses for the alto recorder, then you are ready for Level 2! If you didn’t master everything the first time around there will be plenty of review! In this 2nd-level 4-part course, professional recorder player and teacher Lisette Kielson will guide you in continued work on recorder technique and musical expression, solidifying varying time signatures and rhythmic patterns, getting a good (relaxed!) grip on notes and fingerings, and continuing the quest for beautiful tone and articulation. Start the New Year with recorder-playing cheer!
Required materials:
*alto recorder
*basic ability to read music
*Sweet Pipes Recorder Book: A method for adults and older beginners by Gerald Burakoff and William E. Hettrick. Alto, Book One. SP2318 (RED cover). (It is recommended that you are comfortable with and can play through Unit 6.) This book can be purchased from one of our partners at these links: Sweet Pipes at Von Huene or Sweet Pipes at Honeysuckle MusicPlease allow ample time for mail delivery! If you have purchased the Sweet Pipes Recorder book online but are concerned that you may not receive it in time for your first class, we can provide you with a "temporary" copy for download. Instructions will be in your emailed registration confirmation notice.

Wednesday, January 3, 3 p.m. CST (4 p.m. EST, 2 p.m. MST, 1 p.m. PST)
Saturday, January 6, 3 p.m. CST (4 p.m. EST, 2 p.m. MST, 1 p.m. PST)
Wednesday, January 10, 3 p.m. CST (4 p.m. EST, 2 p.m MST, 1 p.m. PST)
Saturday, January 13, 3 p.m. CST (4 p.m. EST, 2 p.m MST, 1 p.m. PST)

This class is available at no charge to ARS members only. When registering, use the email address associated with your ARS membership. If you are not an ARS member, you may click HERE to join.  These classes are limited in size to allow for interaction between the teacher and students. If you have already taken two or more of our Second Level classes, please wait until one week prior to the start of class to sign up, in order to allow a larger number of people to take advantage of these opportunities.

If you need to purchase an instrument, you cannot go wrong with a good plastic recorder—they can actually sound better than a poor wooden one! Yamaha and Aulos make very good plastic altos. Consider purchasing an instrument from one of our business partners:
Von Huene Workshop (The Early Music Shop of New England), Boston, MA: (617) 277-8690

Honeysuckle Music, St. Paul, MN: (651) 644-8545

Member and local musician Arlin Geyer will look with us at 10 madrigals from the historic Harmonice Musices Odhecaton, the first book of polyphonic music ever to be printed using movable type.  
The Old Avoca Schoolhouse in Avoca, Nebraska will be streaming three on line Crooked Tunes Workshops for violins, violas, cellos, basses, mandolins, soprano recorders and alto recorders.

The Workshops will be on Tuesday, January 9, 7 PM, Central Time, Wednesday, January 10, 10 AM, Central Time, and Friday, January 12, 7 PM, Central Time.

Different tunes will be played at each session.

We will read, play, and discuss various survival skills for these charming pieces.  A treble clef version of the sheet music for the tunes being played will be displayed on the screen during the workshop.

There is limited enrollment, and pre-registration is required.  The cost for each workshop is $10.00. The cost of each optional book is $15.00 (includes shipping if ordered with workshop registration).

For more information, and to register:
1/12/2024 - 1/14/2024
Recline on your chaise longue and enjoy luscious musical bonbons as a member of the French bourgeoisie would! This program, by local favorites Musica Pacifica (joined by divine soprano Sherezade Panthaki), brings you a full feast of music such as would have been enjoyed in a typical Parisian salon of the time: colorful suites and sonatas by Jean-Philippe Rameau and Jean-Marie Leclair, one of Georg Philipp Telemann’s beloved “Paris” quartets, and gorgeous vocal music from Antonio Vivaldi, Georg Frideric Handel, and Louis-Nicolas Clérambault.

Judith Linsenberg, recorder; Ingrid Matthews, violin; Alexa Haynes-Pilon, cello & viola da gamba; Charles Sherman, harpsichord
with special guest Sherezade Panthaki, soprano

First Presbyterian Church
1140 Cowper Street at Lincoln, Palo Alto

First Church Berkeley UCC (First Congregational)
2345 Channing Way

St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
1111 O’Farrell Street, San Francisco

Click HERE for more details.
1/13/2024 - 1/14/2024
Renaissance Recorder Weekend
January 13-14, 2024
West Newton, Massachusetts
With Annette Bauer and Héloïse Degrugillier 
The instrumentalists from the early music ensemble Calextone will present a short workshop of medieval and early renaissance music for recorder and other early instruments.  Workshop teachers will be Letitia Berlin, Shira Kammen, and Daphna Mor.   The theme of this two-hour workshop is Music for the New Year: Sephardic songs, works by Machaut, Dufay, and medieval dance music.  We hope you'll join us.


The Practical Articulator 

Confounded by consonants?  Stumped by syllables?  Want to cut through the confusion to what's really going on in your mouth?  In this session, we’ll take an anatomically grounded, physiologically informed approach to the rudiments of recorder articulation. Key articulation techniques will be presented, together with how to apply each in tailored musical contexts.   

Webinar Season Pass
with Anne Timberlake
Get auto-magic, hassle-free registration for all six of my Wednesday Webinars in 2023-24 by purchasing a season pass. You’ll only have to register once, and you’ll save money off the single ticket price.
Past Topics:
8/30/23: Where Do I Breathe?!?!
10/4/23: Vibrant Vibrato
11/15/23: Mysterious Musicality
12/13/23 Recorder Messiah!
1/17/24: Alternative Fingerings
3/6/24: Hemiolas…and Why You Care!

5/8/24: Intro to Memorization
Are you interested in trying to play from memory? In this one-hour, live Zoom webinar, we’ll talk about the essentials of memorization and how you can begin to practice this unique skill.
To purchase, visit my website and complete the purchase process. If you have questions or you prefer to pay offline, please contact me at
1/19/2024 - 1/21/2024
The 21st annual Midwinter Workshop with early and newer music for Recorders, Brass, Viols and other early instruments will be held at Dickerson Middle School in Marietta, GA. This workshop is co-sponsored by the Atlanta chapter of the American Recorder Society (ARS-Atlanta) and the Atlanta Early Music Alliance (AEMA), and encouraged by regional members of the Viola da Gamba Society (VdGSA).
1/20/2024 - 2/3/2024
Curious about music theory but put off by memories of tedium and confusion when taking theory courses when you were a kid? Join us via Zoom on Saturday Jan 20th, 27th and Feb 3rd from 2pm-4pm PST for Music Theory for Recorder Players. Conducted by professional musician Colin MacDonald (who also hosts our annual Festivus celebration each December), you will NOT want to miss this!!!

Neither homework nor quizzes! Just a friendly environment of working together. Every class will have examples taken from recorder repertoire. 

Read our interview with course leader Colin MacDonald here for more background info.

How does the form of a piece of music approach affect how we should approach playing it? The members of New World Recorders tackle this question in an all-day

workshop with ensemble size classes. Sharpen your musical and technical skills with these expert teachers: Gwyn Roberts, Rainer Beckmann, Heloise Degrugillier, Sarah Shodja

Open to intermediate, upper intermediate and advanced recorder players.


"In A Perfect Circle: Rounds, Grounds, Circle Dances, and Circular Songs"  

The infinite shape of the circle is represented in music throughout the ages in many different ways: from the idea of simple (or very complex!) rounds - two or more equal melody parts in continued pursuit of each other, to the sheer endless possibilities of melodic and rhythmic variation over a repeating ground bass, music played for circle dances, or lifting voices together in a circle. Visually, we can think of medieval representations of the ever-changing wheel of fortune, the circle used as a symbol for a mensuration in early notation representing "tempus perfectum", a perfect relationship of 3:1, or the circular mapping of the circle of fifths. We will explore a wide range of music related to this idea of the perfect circle and enjoy some images along the way.  



Most stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. So too, even without words, instrumental music can also be heard as narrative.

In this intriguing concert, the virtuosi of New World Recorders ( Gwyn Roberts, Heloise Degrugillier, Rainer Beckmann, Sarah Shodja) perform music from the 15th to the 20th century illustrating how various musical forms can be structured to create an audible narrative arc.

Hosted by Capitol Early Music
Does the thought of adding ornaments to your music feel daunting and intimidating? If so, this is the workshop for you! Learn simple ornaments and where to apply them to enhance your musical experience.This workshop is an opportunity to learn, review and practice your ornamentation skills with a detailed approach. Recommended for adults with a basic knowledge of the fingerings on alto recorder.

These sessions will focus on:
Defining ornamentation
Basic ornaments
Where and how ornaments are applied
Practicing adding ornaments to music
Resources for further study

Please contact instructor Marea at with any questions.
See the VSO School of Music website for more information.

Submit Your Event

The American Recorder Society provides this calendar as a convenience to our members. Event information is provided by the event sponsors, and any questions should be submitted to the contact in the event listing.