NAVRS January Playing Meeting with Annette Bauer
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Eastern
Event Type(s)
Online Event
Event Description

"In A Perfect Circle: Rounds, Grounds, Circle Dances, and Circular Songs"  

The infinite shape of the circle is represented in music throughout the ages in many different ways: from the idea of simple (or very complex!) rounds - two or more equal melody parts in continued pursuit of each other, to the sheer endless possibilities of melodic and rhythmic variation over a repeating ground bass, music played for circle dances, or lifting voices together in a circle. Visually, we can think of medieval representations of the ever-changing wheel of fortune, the circle used as a symbol for a mensuration in early notation representing "tempus perfectum", a perfect relationship of 3:1, or the circular mapping of the circle of fifths. We will explore a wide range of music related to this idea of the perfect circle and enjoy some images along the way.  

Setting: Live Virtual
Contact Person
Cost: NAVRS Membership is $20 and each playing session is $15; membership is not required for your first meeting but there is a charge of $15.

The Zoom link will be live beginning at 1:30 pm Eastern (12:30 pm Central, 11:30 am Mountain, 10:30 am Pacific). Please join us as we will use the time to chat and use breakout rooms to get to know one another.
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