Calendar of Events
The American Recorder Society provides this calendar as a convenience to our members. Event information is provided by the event sponsors, and any questions should be submitted to the contact in the event listing.

May 2024
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Events available for Registration...

Second Level Beginners' Alto Class with Anne Timberlake
2/4/2025 - 2/25/2025
register for this event...

FREE Online Alto Recorder Class for Beginners with Lisette Kielson
3/5/2025 - 3/15/2025
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Second Level Beginners' Class with Annette Bauer: Continuing Technique (soprano/tenor recorder)
3/18/2025 - 4/8/2025
register for this event...

Events in the month of May 2024
 Join CMRS as members Sharen Hafner and Steve Sedgewick present "Music from the Dark Side: Music from 1000 B.C. to 1400).
UBC early music scholar Alex Fisher will focus this workshop on a famed composer whose 500th anniversary is rapidly approaching, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c. 1525-1594). Vocal music like Palestrina’s beautiful Masses and motets were “fair game” for instrumentalists in the sixteenth century and their texts also help us to understand principles of phrasing and articulation. Time permitting, we may also explore music of Palestrina’s Roman contemporaries, such as Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1548-1611) or Giovanni Animuccia (d. 1571).
Montclair Early Music (MEM), a nonprofit organization that brings history to life with music, invites you to attend its spring concert featuring live music inspired by fairies, elves, hobbits, and mermaids from the fantasy worlds of Game of Thrones and The Lord of the Rings—plus Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque songs.

The concert takes place on Sunday, May 5, 2024, from 2:00-3:30 pm, at the First Congregational Church at 40 South Fullerton Avenue in Montclair, NJ.

Music lovers of all ages will enjoy this lively concert of music from various fantasy worlds and historical eras, featuring the Montclair Early Music vocal and instrumental ensembles. Special guests include acclaimed violinist and orchestra director Dr. Elena Peres, the West Orange High School String Ensemble, pianist and composer Heather Bennett, and soprano soloist Louisa Valentín--Montclair Early Music’s newly appointed artistic director.

“For the first time, we are combining popular fantasy music from TV, movies, and video games with music from the real historical eras that inspired their creation,” said Valentín. “Whether early music fans, Dungeons & Dragons players, or lovers of The Lord of the Rings movies, audiences will be delighted by this family-friendly concert.”

Tickets can be purchased online at

Montclair Early Music’s “Myth & Magic” is made possible, in part, by funds from the Essex
County Division of Cultural Affairs, a partner of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
"A Night at the Improv!" - Getting Started With Playing Music Away From the Page

Not all music is written down, in fact, a large part of all music-making is music that is composed on the spot, or improvised. If you are curious about the vast universe of improvisation but are not really sure where or how to start, this workshop is for you. We will explore step by step how to get started with playing music away from the page, and what kinds of musical framework we might reference while doing so. This workshop will introduce simple models for melodic and harmonic improvisations, using both soprano and alto recorders.

May Meeting

6:45pm (start time 7:00pm)
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Friends Meetinghouse 890 57th Street Between J St. and H St.
Faythe Vollrath, conductor (pictured below)

Faythe Vollrath, harpsichordist, is actively heard as a soloist and chamber musician throughout the United States. Hailed by the Wall Street Journal for her “subtly varied tempo and rhythm that sounds like breathing,” her solo performances include venues such as MusicSources in Berkeley, CA, Gothem Early Music in New York City, and Bruton Parish Church in Colonial Williamsburg, VA.

Webinar Season Pass
with Anne Timberlake
Get auto-magic, hassle-free registration for all six of my Wednesday Webinars in 2023-24 by purchasing a season pass. You’ll only have to register once, and you’ll save money off the single ticket price.
Past Topics:
8/30/23: Where Do I Breathe?!?!
10/4/23: Vibrant Vibrato
11/15/23: Mysterious Musicality
12/13/23 Recorder Messiah!
1/17/24: Alternative Fingerings
3/6/24: Hemiolas…and Why You Care!

5/8/24: Intro to Memorization
Are you interested in trying to play from memory? In this one-hour, live Zoom webinar, we’ll talk about the essentials of memorization and how you can begin to practice this unique skill.
To purchase, visit my website and complete the purchase process. If you have questions or you prefer to pay offline, please contact me at
Arrangements by Hans Lewitus
Venezuelan quartets, Bach, Mozart and others
Friday May 10 at 7:30 PM at the New Ark United Church of Christ, 
300 East Main Street, Newark, Delaware. 
The leader will be Joan Kimball. 
Her program will be: 
Between an early 16th century hymn by the obscure composer Correira (who has only 2 surviving works that we know of) and two hymns from the 17th century, including one by King Joao VI, there will be two works by the prolific Gaspar Fernandes who began his musical life in Portugal before sailing to the New World, a lovely song about the Virgin mother, and a lively canzona by an anonymous 17th century composer. 
The music to be played will be: 
Elegit eum Dominus (SAATB), Crux fideles (SATB), Panis angelicus (ATTB), Senhora del mundo (SSS/TTT), Sobre vuestro canto llano (SSATB), Hostias et preces (SSAT), Canzona à 5 (SSATB) 
This music is available for printing before the meeting to those who plan to attend AND request it.
For non-members, the cost will be $15 per meeting. 
Exact change appreciated!

Chapter Leaders: 
Roger Matsumoto, President, 302-731-1430,
Nancy Frederick, Secretary, 302-656-6075 
Brian Drumbore, Treasurer, 302-453-7377
Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra
An affiliate of the San Francisco Early Music Society

On Saturday, May 11, 2024, the Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra will present a concert at the Veterans Memorial Senior Center, 1455 Madison Avenue at St. Francis St., in Redwood City at 2:00 P.M. The program will feature an early 17th-century suite by Johann Hermann Schein, an early 15th-century Italian song by Guillaume Dufay, a motet by Mozart written shortly before the composer’s death, a hymn by the 2nd-century Roman composer, Mesomedes, two settings of a popular 16th-century chanson by Josquin de Près and Tielman Susato and a Sonata by Arcangelo Corelli. Admission is free and the location of this concert is wheelchair accessible. The Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra is an affiliate of the San Francisco Early Music Society. For further information please see the orchestra’s web page at or call Frederic Palmer at 650-591-3648.
5/12/2024 - 12/29/2024
EVERY Sunday the British Columbia Recorder Society posts a recorder Performance of the Week! We scour the internet for THE best recorder performances so you don't have to! Here you will find the latest Performance of the Week AND an easy way to subscribe to our Youtube channel. Subscribe and the Performance of the Week will arrive in your email box each Sunday.

Let Andrea MacDonald of the BCRS curate the best online recorder performances for you to enjoy.

In addition, do you want even MORE internet recorder info? The BCRS YouTube channel is designed to help you find the information and inspiration you need to take your playing to the next level or just to enjoy some wonderful performances. Here you will find our YouTube index to get you started.


Capitol Early Music presents:

The virtuosi of Camerata Transcontinental gather from across our continent to play a concert drawn from the 16th century musicians of England and the European Continent. Enjoy the journey through the sumptuous repertoire of the 16th century, exploring the iconic genres and masterpieces of its most influential composers: Josquin, Lassus, de Monte, Dowland, Marenzio, Gabrieli, Byrd, and others.  
Letitia Berlin, recorders
Frances Blaker, recorders
Lawrence Lipnik, recorders and viola da gamba
Amy Domingues, viola da gamba
Jessica Powell Eig, viola da gamba
Ronn McFarlane, lute
5/14/2024 - 5/17/2024
The Old Avoca Schoolhouse in Avoca, Nebraska will be streaming three on line Klezmer Fiddle Tunes Workshops for violins, violas, cellos, basses, mandolins, soprano recorder, and alto recorder.

The Workshops will be on Tuesday, May 14, 7 PM, Central Time, Wednesday, May 15, 10 AM, Central Time, and Friday, May 17, 7 PM, Central Time.

Different tunes will be played at each session.

We will read, play, and discuss various survival skills for these charming pieces.  A treble clef version of the sheet music for the tunes being played will be displayed on the screen during the workshop.

There is limited enrollment, and pre-registration is required.  The cost for each workshop is $10.00. The cost of each optional book is $15.00 (includes shipping if ordered with workshop registration).

For more information, and to register:

5/17/2024 - 5/19/2024

United States Premier of the Sub-Sub Great Bass –

The Pensacola Early Music Consort Invites you to perform with us and guest artist:

Dr. Valerie Austin

Please join us for this unique opportunity to premier our long- awaited Paetzold Sub-sub Great Bass, the first in the United States – the lowest pitched recorder at a
low C 32 hertz

COST: $60 to cover the costs of music and food. Music will be sent out in advance via email.


Friday, May 17th Gather at 5:30 p.m. for cheese and wine; 6:00 p.m. for Dinner; Rehearsal 7:00- 9:00 P.M.

Saturday, May 18th Rehearsal 9:00 a.m.- noon; lunch, then rehearsal until 2:00 p.m.

Sunday, May 19th Lunch at church, set up for concert and then dress rehearsal.
Concert – 3:00 p.m.

The Event

The 14-member Pensacola Early Music Consort will form the core of this celebration. Please add your talents in the goal to give Pensacola and the surrounding area a taste of a large Renaissance Orchestra including recorders, krummhorns, strings, sackbuts and percussion (and others).The repertoire will include Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and modern compositions for early instruments. The event will be held at St. Paul Lutheran Church (ELCA), 4600 N. 9th Avenue in Pensacola, Florida.

Come be part of the celebration.

A full day of music (intermediate to advanced levels) for recorders and other instruments. Held at St. Mary Magdalen, lower floor, at 2005 Berryman St in North Berkeley.

Featured teachers include Tish Berlin, Frances Baker, Andy Canepa, and Greta Haug-Hryciw. Classes include topics such as "Baroque Consort Sampler," "Dance Music from the Renaissance," and "Contemporary Songs You May Know," along with many more.

Enrollment is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot early!

Full day price (before May 1st): $80
Half day price (before May 1st): $40
Zoom available for $70/30
Announcing the next Philadelphia Recorder Society In-person and Virtual Playing Session
Saturday, May 18, 2024 led by Music Director Rainer Beckmann.

Cathedral Village, 600 East Cathedral Road, Philadelphia, PA
Playing begins at 10:00 AM.
We're gathering in Cathedral Hall, which is located across from the entrance to the main building. Please arrive in plenty of time to find suitable parking, greet friends, and set up your instruments so we can start playing promptly at 10 AM. Visitors are welcome.
For those who can't join in person, we'll be streaming our playing session over Zoom. The Zoom meeting will open at 9:30 AM and we'll start playing at 10 AM. Members will receive a Zoom link via email, usually one day before we meet.

From Music Director Rainer Beckmann:
Dear Friends,
After five(!) long months, I very much look forward to conducting one of our hybrid playing sessions again! This month's playlist Joie de vivre features three brand new compositions for recorder ensemble. Two were written by our very own members John Kraybill and Helen-Jean Talbott, and one is by Cathedral Village resident Richard Senerchia. Interspersed as "palate cleansers" are two dances from Andreas Hammerschmidt's collection Erster Fleiß (1636).
May 18 is also the day of our annual presentation for Cathedral Village residents! From 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM, we will first work on and rehearse the pieces on the playlist, which at the same time serves as the concert program. The performance then starts at 11:30 AM. Please feel free to invite your friends and family to join us for this special occasion.
Last but not least: At the upcoming session, after many years, we will hear the Paetzold contrabass recorder again that the estate of Ruth Bossler recently donated to PRS. In addition, we are thrilled to welcome back yet another Paetzold contrabass recorder that recently found a new home.
In joyous anticipation,
Rainer Beckman

Joie de vivre
The Joy of Life (2024), John Kraybill, Sn/S/A/T/B/GB
Courente à 5, Andreas Hammerschmidt (1611-1675), S/S/A/T/B & T/T/B/GB/Cb
A Village Suite: Allegro moderato - Andante - Allegro grazioso (2023), Richard Senerchia, S/A/T/B
Ballet à 5, Andreas Hammerschmidt (1611-1675), S/S/A/T/B & T/T/B/GB/Cb
Quand la Mer Rough Apparut - through the ages (2023), Helen-Jean Talbott, S/A/T/B/GB/Cb
WHERE? Church of Saint Mary the Virgin
145 W. 46th St., Accessible via 1/2/3/B/D/F/Q/R/N
DAY/TIME? Sat.,1:30-3:30 p.m. Doors open at 1:00 p.m.
MUSIC: If you would like the music beforehand, please contact NYRG Music Director Deborah Booth at or 212-864-6490.
NYRG strongly suggests using a stand light in this church space. 

From leader, Dr. Hurd: On May 18th, we will play in the reverberant acoustics of the nave of the church. An assortment of seasonal music including spring-referencing works and, since it is the Eve of Pentecost, pieces referencing the Holy Spirit will be played. Works transcribed from choral and organ pieces as well as some originally intended for recorders, baroque to modern, are included. Composers include J.S. Bach, Nicolas de Grigny, Stephen Foster, David Hurd, Frank Shirley, Healey Willan, and Alec Wyton. David Hurd serves as Organist and Music Director of The Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, New York City.

PER-MEETING FEES: Members: $15 per meeting; Non-members: $25 per meeting
Villancicos and polyphonic repertoire from 17th c. Mexico Polyphonic liturgical and para-liturgical music had an extraordinary development in 17th century New Spain, where composers from Spain, Italy and Mexico, found a fertile ground to create. Hundreds of works were composed and imported for ecclesiastical services and festivities, as well as for the theatre and other secular institutions. We will learn about the main musical archives where thousands of works have been kept until today: Mexico City Cathedral, Durango, Oaxaca and Puebla cathedrals among them. We will play polyphonic music examples in 4 to 5 parts, including hymns with texts in original languages like Náhuatl, villancicos and chansonettas by Gaspar Fernández, Fray Jerónimo González, Juan García de Céspedes, Antonio de Salazar and Hernando Franco, that make extensive and fun use of syncopated rhythms and hemiolas.
5/24/2024 - 5/27/2024

Memorial Day Weekend Workshop

May 24-27, 2024
Wisdom House, Litchfield, Connecticut
Directed by Valerie Horst

Submit Your Event

The American Recorder Society provides this calendar as a convenience to our members. Event information is provided by the event sponsors, and any questions should be submitted to the contact in the event listing.