Calendar of Events - American Recorder Society
Event Type:

January 2023

Events available for Registration...

FREE Online Alto Recorder Class for Beginners with Lisette Kielson
3/5/2025 - 3/15/2025
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FREE Online Beginners Class for Soprano/Tenor Recorder with Cornell Kinderknecht
3/18/2025 - 4/8/2025
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Second Level Beginners' Class with Annette Bauer: Continuing Technique (soprano/tenor recorder)
3/18/2025 - 4/8/2025
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Events in the month of January 2023
The long period during which the Tudor family held the English throne (1485-1603) was a time of great instability and strife which also saw remarkable cultural growth and development. A rising middle class created a market for amateur music-making in the home, music-loving monarchs like Henry VIII supported a rich musical culture at court, and shifting religious and political alignments forced composers to be flexible and creative to survive in a divided and rapidly changing society.  We will explore the musical trajectory of the Tudor years through pieces that might have been heard at court, in church, or in the home, by composers such as Christopher Tye, William Cornysh, and King Henry VIII himself.

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The Vancouver Symphony Orchestra School of Music is offering online recorder classes for the Winter term beginning January 9th, 2023.
Within the program are a variety of technique classes, including an in-depth articulation course, tone, intonation and dynamics to name a few. Also available, a piece study class (Telemann Fantasia 2), and a recorder master class series for performers (and those who wish to audit). 
Use the link below to see full descriptions of the offered courses and to enroll if interested.
Recorder Programs - VSO School of Music
Please contact instructor Marea Chernoff at with any questions.'


The Old Avoca Schoolhouse in Avoca, Nebraska will be streaming three on line 
“Swedish Tunes for Two Workshops” for recorder players, fiddlers, violists, cellists, bassists, and mandolinists.  
The Workshops will be on Tuesday, January 10, 7 PM, Central Time, Wednesday, January 11, 10 AM, Central Time, and Friday, January 13, 7 PM, Central Time.  Different tunes will be played at each session. 
Each participant will receive a copy of our  “Swedish Fiddle Tunes For Two” book, arranged for the instrument of their choice. 
Just as in all of the collections in the Tunes for Two series these books contain the same tunes in the same keys making it easy for you to play with a friend playing another instrument.
During the Workshop, we will read, play, and discuss various survival skills for these kinds of pieces.  A treble clef version of the sheet music for the tunes being played will be displayed on the screen during the workshop. 
There is limited enrollment, and pre-registration is required.  The fee for each “Swedish Tunes for Two Workshop” is $25.00.
For more information, and to register: 


“...easy enough to be a pleasure from second grade up and lively enough for an improvisatory fiddle for advanced players. Swedish gems...their website bulges with interesting fiddle compilations at reasonable prices...”
- David van Gend
Stringendo, Journal of the Australian Strings Association, 2010 
“ excellent addition to music of other cultures. These tunes are largely dance-based, including the polka, march, waltz, schottische, and music for weddings...well-edited collection...highly recommended as good repertoire for any studio and curriculum.” 
- Brenda Mitchell, Jan Farrar Royce
American String Teacher , February 2011

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Upcoming Online Workshops from Emily O'Brien
Ensemble Skills By Your Lonesome
 – January 10, 17, 24, and 31 at 7PM Eastern.
Ensemble skills include listening to other parts, responding to what you hear, giving clear cues and cutoff’s, keeping the rhythm steady, leading and following tempo changes, and more. There’s nothing like playing with other people, but it’s still possible to practice and improve your ensemble skills even when you’re all by yourself! For this course, we’ll be making use of some basic technology – but technophobes never fear! The only absolute requirements are a metronome and a device that can record video. Your cell phone is just fine!
If you have access to ways to record multiple parts, that’s even better (any digital audio workstation such as Garage Band, or the Acapella app, or even two cell phones with cameras and microphones). But really, just your cell phone will get the job done.Sharing videos privately within the class is optional, but strongly encouraged!

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This introduction to music theory is great for those new to recorder (or ANY instrument, for that matter!), or for those who feel like you've missed some very important bits of information along the way.  This first four-week series is a very basic introduction and will help get you up to speed for future music theory offerings.

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Emerging recorder players who are just on the cusp of considering yourself low intermediate to intermediate in ability level may appreciate this ensemble-based class.  In addition to lots of tips for improving overall playing skills, the emphasis will be on rhythms commonly seen in Renaissance and Baroque music.

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This introduction to music theory is great for those new to recorder (or ANY instrument, for that matter!), or for those who feel like you've missed some very important bits of information along the way.  This first four-week series is a very basic introduction and will help get you up to speed for future music theory offerings.

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Emerging recorder players who are just on the cusp of considering yourself low intermediate to intermediate in ability level may appreciate this ensemble-based class.  In addition to lots of tips for improving overall playing skills, the emphasis will be on rhythms commonly seen in Renaissance and Baroque music.

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Highland Park Recorder Society presents their Seminar Series in Early Music Performance 2022-2023

Click HERE for more info.

January 16, 2023 - The Fascinating History of the Original Collegium Musicum of Telemann and Bach (1703 - 1723) and (1723-1750). Music – portions of JS Bach Partita No. 2 in D Minor and JS Bach Double Violin Concerto, and Music of Telemann

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New Small Group Short Course Recorder Reset!
Tuesdays 1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/13, and 2/21 at 4 PM, CST
Do you feel stuck in your recorder playing? Are you wondering why your music-making feels tense and effortful? Would you like to play the recorder with more ease and joy? 
Join me for a live, six-week small group short course. We’ll be undertaking a New Year’s reset, re-examining fundamental aspects of our technique like posture, movement patterns, and breathing, and progressing through a series of exercises designed to get you playing with more freedom and confidence.
Cost: $133, which includes all six live sessions, weekly homework, and opportunities for between-session support for the duration of the course. 
To register, visit my website.


The AEMA/ARS Midwinter Workshop offers classes for low intermediate through advanced players.  Classes for recorders, capped reeds, early brass, shawms, dulcians, and viols, along with a special class on Japanese Taiko drumming.  Workshop faculty includes Anne Timberlake, Pat Petersen, Jody Miller, Stewart Carter, Larry Lipnik, and Holly Maurer.

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The Recorder in Bach’s Cantatas 
January 24, 31, February 7, 14: 10 - 11:30 AM, PST. Take all four or as many as you like. Each individual class is $25. 
This class will focus on two of Bach’s cantatas that use the recorder. We’ll work on the recorder parts and learn about the context and history of each cantata. We’ll play along with parts of recordings. 
January 24 and 31: BWV 161 - Komm, du süße Todesstunde
February 7 and 14: BWV 46 - Schauet doch und sehet 
For upper intermediate to advanced recorders. Alto recorder. Pitch: a=440, but let me know if you have an alto at a415. There may be some opportunities to play along with recordings at a415.

Electronic payment is preferred, but if paying by check please inquire for the address. Venmo, Zelle, ApplePay, or PayPal. If using PayPal, please add $2.00 to your payment (per class), unless you have a bank account linked to your PayPal account and can use the “sending to a friend” option. 
Use this email address for all electronic payments:
In addition, please email me at 
Please write “January/February 2023 class registration” at the beginning of your subject line.
1. Name: 
2. Email address:
3. Mobile phone #:
4. Classes you want to take – please list by title and date: 
5. How you intend to pay:
6. Recorder sizes you play:
7. Do you play alto up an octave?
8. For the Bach class, do you have an a415 alto? 

January 24, 31, February 7, 14: 1:30 - 2:15 PM, PST. Take all four or many as you like. Each individual class is $15. 
This class is meant to help low intermediate players learn to play in an ensemble. Each 45-minute class will move from very easy pieces to an intermediate level of difficulty. You’ll get music in advance and in class you’ll play along with me or my recordings. I’ll give tips on how to keep going but we’ll keep the talking to a minimum so we can play. Never fear, there will be time for your questions during the class. 
For low intermediate players of instruments at A440. Play-along recordings will be on soprano, alto, tenor, and bass recorders, at an octave above written pitch.

Electronic payment is preferred, but if paying by check please inquire for the address. Venmo, Zelle, ApplePay, or PayPal. If using PayPal, please add $2.00 to your payment (per class), unless you have a bank account linked to your PayPal account and can use the “sending to a friend” option. 
Use this email address for all electronic payments:
In addition, please email me at 
Please write “January/February 2023 class registration” at the beginning of your subject line.
1. Name: 
2. Email address:
3. Mobile phone #:
4. Classes you want to take – please list by title and date: 
5. How you intend to pay:
6. Recorder sizes you play:
7. Do you play alto up an octave?
8. For the Bach class, do you have an a415 alto? 

January 24, 31, February 7, 14; 2:30 - 3:15 PM, PST. Take all four or many as you like. Each individual class is $15. 
This class will help intermediate players rise to the next level in technical skills such as breathing and blowing, finger facility and tongue dexterity. With a combination of exercises, etudes, and multi-part music you will gain tools to let your inner voice sing! For intermediate to upper intermediate recorders.

Electronic payment is preferred, but if paying by check please inquire for the address. Venmo, Zelle, ApplePay, or PayPal. If using PayPal, please add $2.00 to your payment (per class), unless you have a bank account linked to your PayPal account and can use the “sending to a friend” option. 
Use this email address for all electronic payments:
In addition, please email me at 
Please write “January/February 2023 class registration” at the beginning of your subject line.
1. Name: 
2. Email address:
3. Mobile phone #:
4. Classes you want to take – please list by title and date: 
5. How you intend to pay:
6. Recorder sizes you play:
7. Do you play alto up an octave?
8. For the Bach class, do you have an a415 alto? 

New Small Group Short Course Recorder Reset!
Tuesdays 1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/13, and 2/21 at 4 PM, CST
Do you feel stuck in your recorder playing? Are you wondering why your music-making feels tense and effortful? Would you like to play the recorder with more ease and joy? 
Join me for a live, six-week small group short course. We’ll be undertaking a New Year’s reset, re-examining fundamental aspects of our technique like posture, movement patterns, and breathing, and progressing through a series of exercises designed to get you playing with more freedom and confidence.
Cost: $133, which includes all six live sessions, weekly homework, and opportunities for between-session support for the duration of the course. 
To register, visit my website.


Attend all six (one more than last season!!) of this season’s Wednesday Webinars at a special price! Includes automatic access to webinars on August 31, October 5, November 16, January 25, March 8, and May 17.

All webinars take place via Zoom on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM US CT (8:00 PM ET, 6:00 PM MT, 5:00 PM PT).

Upon purchase, you’ll receive a link to download a PDF containing Zoom invites for all six webinars. Save money on the single ticket price! All webinars include limited streaming access to the replay. 

Questions? Prefer to pay offline? Contact me at


8/31/22: Terrific Tenors: Improving Your Tenor Recorder Skills

10/5/22: When in France: Demystifying Inégale

11/16/22: Secret Skills: The Musical Essentials You Didn’t Know You Needed- and How to Practice Them.

1/25/23: Help! I’m Lost: Getting Lost Less…and Finding Your Way When You Do

3/8/23: Tools of the Trade: Musical Must-Haves and How to Use Them.

5/17/23: Improve Your Sight Reading: An Action Plan

The North American Virtual Recorder Society (NAVRS) presents their January Playing Meeting with Annette Bauer.
Saturday, January 28 at 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM EST
For more information and to register, visit the NAVRS website

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The Recorder in Bach’s Cantatas 
January 24, 31, February 7, 14: 10 - 11:30 AM, PST. Take all four or as many as you like. Each individual class is $25. 
This class will focus on two of Bach’s cantatas that use the recorder. We’ll work on the recorder parts and learn about the context and history of each cantata. We’ll play along with parts of recordings. 
January 24 and 31: BWV 161 - Komm, du süße Todesstunde
February 7 and 14: BWV 46 - Schauet doch und sehet 
For upper intermediate to advanced recorders. Alto recorder. Pitch: a=440, but let me know if you have an alto at a415. There may be some opportunities to play along with recordings at a415.

Electronic payment is preferred, but if paying by check please inquire for the address. Venmo, Zelle, ApplePay, or PayPal. If using PayPal, please add $2.00 to your payment (per class), unless you have a bank account linked to your PayPal account and can use the “sending to a friend” option. 
Use this email address for all electronic payments:
In addition, please email me at 
Please write “January/February 2023 class registration” at the beginning of your subject line.
1. Name: 
2. Email address:
3. Mobile phone #:
4. Classes you want to take – please list by title and date: 
5. How you intend to pay:
6. Recorder sizes you play:
7. Do you play alto up an octave?
8. For the Bach class, do you have an a415 alto? 

January 24, 31, February 7, 14: 1:30 - 2:15 PM, PST. Take all four or many as you like. Each individual class is $15. 
This class is meant to help low intermediate players learn to play in an ensemble. Each 45-minute class will move from very easy pieces to an intermediate level of difficulty. You’ll get music in advance and in class you’ll play along with me or my recordings. I’ll give tips on how to keep going but we’ll keep the talking to a minimum so we can play. Never fear, there will be time for your questions during the class. 
For low intermediate players of instruments at A440. Play-along recordings will be on soprano, alto, tenor, and bass recorders, at an octave above written pitch.

Electronic payment is preferred, but if paying by check please inquire for the address. Venmo, Zelle, ApplePay, or PayPal. If using PayPal, please add $2.00 to your payment (per class), unless you have a bank account linked to your PayPal account and can use the “sending to a friend” option. 
Use this email address for all electronic payments:
In addition, please email me at 
Please write “January/February 2023 class registration” at the beginning of your subject line.
1. Name: 
2. Email address:
3. Mobile phone #:
4. Classes you want to take – please list by title and date: 
5. How you intend to pay:
6. Recorder sizes you play:
7. Do you play alto up an octave?
8. For the Bach class, do you have an a415 alto? 

January 24, 31, February 7, 14; 2:30 - 3:15 PM, PST. Take all four or many as you like. Each individual class is $15. 
This class will help intermediate players rise to the next level in technical skills such as breathing and blowing, finger facility and tongue dexterity. With a combination of exercises, etudes, and multi-part music you will gain tools to let your inner voice sing! For intermediate to upper intermediate recorders.

Electronic payment is preferred, but if paying by check please inquire for the address. Venmo, Zelle, ApplePay, or PayPal. If using PayPal, please add $2.00 to your payment (per class), unless you have a bank account linked to your PayPal account and can use the “sending to a friend” option. 
Use this email address for all electronic payments:
In addition, please email me at 
Please write “January/February 2023 class registration” at the beginning of your subject line.
1. Name: 
2. Email address:
3. Mobile phone #:
4. Classes you want to take – please list by title and date: 
5. How you intend to pay:
6. Recorder sizes you play:
7. Do you play alto up an octave?
8. For the Bach class, do you have an a415 alto? 

New Small Group Short Course Recorder Reset!
Tuesdays 1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/13, and 2/21 at 4 PM, CST
Do you feel stuck in your recorder playing? Are you wondering why your music-making feels tense and effortful? Would you like to play the recorder with more ease and joy? 
Join me for a live, six-week small group short course. We’ll be undertaking a New Year’s reset, re-examining fundamental aspects of our technique like posture, movement patterns, and breathing, and progressing through a series of exercises designed to get you playing with more freedom and confidence.
Cost: $133, which includes all six live sessions, weekly homework, and opportunities for between-session support for the duration of the course. 
To register, visit my website.

The American Recorder Society provides this calendar as a convenience to our members. Event information is provided by the event sponsors, and any questions should be submitted to the contact in the event listing.