This unconventional rag tests the limits of the form. An abundance of accidentals, some high notes, and a 7/8 initial time signature make this piece only suitable for advanced players. A second version of the recorder part with more familiar accidentals is also included. The initial tempo should be relaxed (playback is quarter note = 84 bpm). It will speed up later.
--Bradford Wright
This alto recorder and piano duo is pretty challenging indeed. A starting time signature of 7/8, combined with classic syncopated rag rhythms, produces an interesting off-balance sensation reminiscent of a cart with flat spots on the wheels. Further into the piece the meter changes to a more regular ¾ and ultimately to 2/4 with a fun rag/Latin pattern in the piano left hand and plenty of banter along the way. The composer has thoughtfully provided two versions of the recorder part, one with the actual accidentals and one with “more familiar” accidentals, i.e. chromatic respellings (Gb -> F#, for example). This is a piece for dedicated players to work on over several sessions to really settle in and play accurately.