S A T B, Bass Viola da Gamba, Tingsha, Tibetan Singing Bowls G, B, D, A
When members of the St. Petersburg Recorder Group were notified of Jeannine’s “Sailing Away,” we had not reassembled as a group to start our Fall group sessions. Richard Carbone called me to insure that I had received the news of Jeannine’s “Sailing Away.” In the course of our conversation, we reflected on her being a wonderful member of our group and my knowing her to be an accomplished pianist for we played duets together (she on the piano and me on the cello and recorders) at her home, I mentioned to Richard that I was thinking about writing some music in her honor. He encouraged me to do so! [See the composer's complete description, as well as a bio of Jeannine Talley, in the downloaded score and parts.]