Inspired by Jacob van Eyck's variations on John Dowland's "Flow My Tears" ("Lacrimae"), a lute song widely known at the time of its composition and thereafter, this fantasy is most effectively presented via the melancholy tones of the tenor recorder. However, if performing on F recorders, use C fingerings and transpose to g minor. The composer plays on the accompanying recording. Duration: 4'15"
-- Anthony St. Pierre
A plaintive solo for any recorder using C fingerings, this is a deceptively simple 3-page solo based on the popular Renaissance melody Lacrimae or Flow my tears, made famous by Dowland and van Eyck. The melody remains recognizable through occasional harmonic surprises, and the solo is playable by recorderists at nearly all levels. The composer asks for a few special techniques, such as finger vibrato and varying trill speeds, as well as some precise articulation and dynamics to guide the expressiveness of the music. This is a very satisfying solo for the player, enjoyable with or without an audience.