Composition -
Winter Mist
By Chaz Warren April 2023
A B B Gb
In Winter Mist I try to convey the peaceful atmosphere of the pacific northwest. My son lives in western Washington state where the winter months envelope you in a cool, calming dew. In this piece the melody is passed around throughout the ensemble, including some nice moments for the lower recorders. This is the second of my "Seasons Suite" and can be played alone or as part of the suite.
-- Chaz Warren
Chaz Warren's Seasons Suite
Winter Mist
Dawn of Spring
Summer Games
A calm winter’s day, no need to hurry. This quartet opens with a beautiful “strummed” chord bubbling up from the bottom, launching an introduction that sets the stage for the Alto’s entrance with the main melody. Soothing harmonies accompany the gentle melody at a slow-ish pace, making this movement of the “Seasons Suite” approachable to recorder players of all levels. The composer designates the piece as “Moderate” in difficulty; this movement has fewer accidentals than others in the suite and high notes remain in the comfortable range, but the basses do have some low F#s to be ready for. This would be a perfect piece to close a playing session before refreshment — your spirits will be elevated by the optimistic final chord.
-- Glen Shannon

Performed by the composer:
Listen to all parts
No alto - you play alto
No bass 1 - you play bass 1
No bass 2 - you play bass 2
No great bass - you play great bass
No. of Recorder Parts:
New Music for Recorder, Play-alongs
Date Added:
Concert, Laid-back/Slow, Recorded Accompaniment