Composition -
Two Pieces for Tenor Recorder and Harpsichord (2022)
By Colin Eatock 2022
T and Harpsichord
I'm often attracted to historical models for my compositions. And this miniature, two-movement sonata (similar to contrasting movements in a Handel sonata) is full of references to baroque- and gallant-era styles. When I began to compose it, I wasn't quite sure what solo instrument would be best suited to what I was creating: The solo part could, of course, be played on a variety of instruments. But I am very pleased with my final choice of tenor recorder.
-- Colin Eatock
Tenor players, get ready for a workout! These two exciting performance pieces are technically demanding, full of sweeping arpeggiated gestures with plenty of accidentals. The first movement is a slow, stretchy and introspective recorder solo with chordal support in the harpsichord. It immediately goes on to the aggressive second movement punctuated by anxious 8th-note rhythmic support in the harpsichord left hand. The two parts are more equally matched in the second movement, with the recorder and harpsichord bantering and running around together. Have a listen to the live performance recording (featuring Alison Melville on recorder) and start working on your sharps and flats. This is a fantastic addition to the repertoire for the tenor recorder.
-- Glen Shannon
No. of Recorder Parts:
New Music for Recorder
Date Added:
Concert, Fast/Up-tempo, Laid-back/Slow, Neo-Renaissance/Baroque/Classical