Originally a 'landscape instrumental' composition on one of my CDs, I rearranged this cheerful piece for SATB recorders in 2021. The tune here is played mainly by 2 parallel recorders representing pairs of bush turkeys occasionally seen foraging in some National Park or forested urban area.
-- Kass Finlay McAuliffe
This 2-page song in the easy key of C features fun syncopated melodies with easy jazzy rhythms, with the top 2 lines in tandem supported by the lower 2 lines as the rhythmic support. SATB with compact ranges in each part, it’s low on the Soprano and can also be played ATTB, ATBB, and almost even TTTT except for one low Bb in the bottom part. The melody will stick in your ear and invites you play it many times by itself just because it’s a lot of fun and not difficult. Surprise chords at the end add to the listening and playing enjoyment.