Composition -
SS or SA
This short composition for 2 Soprano Recorders (alternate score for Soprano and Alto) is like a round in that the tune one part has at the beginning, the other has in the second part. It could be played in a variety of speeds. The two performers from Fipple Flutes Four (New Zealand) on this recording are the composer on the lower part and her fellow high school music teaching colleague on the upper part.
-- Kass Finlay McAuliffe
An easy duo that works just as well on two sopranos as on two tenors or two altos (or even basses) using C fingerings. It will also work with alto on the second line, so as not to be so low on the soprano. However you play it, easy rhythms make this duo a fun warm-up without getting bogged down with technical issues.  An easy and fun piece for you and a friend to play as a warm-up to a musical afternoon.
-- Glen Shannon
No. of Recorder Parts:
Very Easy
New Music for Recorder
Date Added:
Social/Casual, Fast/Up-tempo, Tonal/Melodic