Composition -
Beachin' Boogie Woogie
By Bradford Wright September 2020
Sn, T, B
This is a somewhat relaxed trio arrangement after the original Bitchin' Boogie Woogie for sopranino and bass recorders. The bass part is greatly simplified, although the sopranino remains the same. I wrote this after receiving several requests for a trio version. It is score only.
-- Bradford Wright
Surf’s back up! This super fun trio for the unusual combination of Sopranino with Tenor and Bass is an expanded version of the original duo reminiscent of the teen beach movies of the 1960’s. Played in a quick swing with lots of simple syncopations, the music is marked “challenging” because although the upper line has a naturally flowing melody in a jazz/blues mode, it moves into a section with lots of flats (E-flat minor), and some grace notes might need attention to sound as effortless as intended. The Tenor and Bass work together to provide support for the Sopranino, in a fun volley off-beats. Sure to be an audience favorite, the accidentals might take some dedication to perfect, which is of course always encouraged!
-- Glen Shannon
No. of Recorder Parts:
New Music for Recorder
Date Added:
Social/Casual, Fast/Up-tempo, Ragtime/Jazz/Blues