Composition -
Bitchin' Boogie Woogie
By Bradford Wright June 2020
Sopranino, Bass
This is an attempt to achieve Boogie Woogie sound on the recorder without the usual chords heard on a piano. Breathing for the bass player is accounted for. There are two (but only 2) high G's midway through the piece. In general, the piece works better the faster it is played, but you should find your own comfort level. Definitely not for beginners.
-- Bradford Wright
Bass part (you play sopranino)
Grab your board and your sopranino, because surf’s up! This super fun duo for sopranino and bass is reminiscent of the teen beach movies of the 1960’s. Played in a quick swing with lots of simple syncopations, the music is marked “challenging” because although the upper line has a naturally flowing melody in a jazz/blues mode, it moves into a period with lots of flats and some grace notes might need attention to sound as effortless as intended. The Bass part has a couple high F’s and G’s, adding to the allure. An audience would thoroughly enjoy hearing this duo, but it might take some dedication to get there, which is of course highly recommended!
-- Glen Shannon
No. of Recorder Parts:
New Music for Recorder, Play-alongs
Date Added:
Social/Casual, Concert, Fast/Up-tempo, Ragtime/Jazz/Blues, Recorded Accompaniment