Composition -
Zoom Duet for Alto Recorders
By Bradford Wright May 2020
Intended to be played over a video teleconference connection, this is a zippier sequel to Zoom Duet for Tenor Recorders. Parts for each player are included. The player's part is the same, but the parts correspond to what each player will actually hear. It is as engaging trying to work out the precise tempo as playing. A good escape while sheltering at home.
-- Bradford Wright
Note that the score includes two pages: Page 1 is the "part" for Alto 1, and represents the composition as it will be heard by that player, factoring in internet latency. Page 2 is the "part" for Alto 2, and represents what that player will hear.

The full .mp3 recording includes both versions:  first, what will be heard by the Alto 1 player, followed by the version heard by the Alto 2 player.
Another “tele-conscious” duo that takes the latency of the current state of video conferencing into account, this easy upbeat quasi-ragtime duo is a lot of fun to play in any configuration, without muting! The first setting, called “Alto 1” is the “real” version and the second setting “Alto 2” has the bottom part offset by a beat to compensate for the latency. The bottom part reads and hears the “Alto 2” setting, and the latency creates the “Alto 1” sound that the top line player hears. The composer thoughtfully includes details of the audio settings on Zoom for optimal effect.
-- Glen Shannon
No. of Recorder Parts:
New Music for Recorder
Date Added: