Composition -
Closing Hour - MLE 66
T B Gb or A T B
Composer’s notes: “Closing Hour” is a written out and harmonized improvisation that was made after a swim in Deep Eddy pool in Austin, TX. The title refers to the fact that it was made in the final minutes before the pool closed for the day. The music should sound relaxed, and can be played with considerable rubato in the melody. The places where voices should phrase and breathe together are indicated; in other places the lower voices should phrase over the places where the melody has a rest. In measure 41 and 80 one lower voice has a breath mark but the other not; in that case the continuing voice dictates the phrasing.
Victor Eijkhout (born 1959 in Arnhem, the Netherlands; currently residing in Austin TX, USA) is a long-time multi-instrumentalist with a history of playing in, and writing for, wind ensembles, jazz and pop bands, choir, and other instrument combinations. Currently he plays recorder in the early music ensemble The Austin Troubadours. In recent years his composition activities have targeted the recorder, writing both faux-Renaissance pieces and more intuitive pantonal pieces. Other compositions by Victor Eijkhout can be found at,_Victor and you can support his work through
Long flowing lines on low recorders give this piece a remarkably calming quality that invite the players to enjoy over and over again. Three equal voices weave a relaxing fabric together that favors no one part over the others, but depends on strong communication for optimal presentation. A higher setting of this piece, for ATB recorders, is also available.
—Glen Shannon

The composer has recorded play-along files for Closing Hour:
Missing part 1 (you play tenor)
Missing part 2 (you play bass)
Missing part 3 (you play great bass)

Higher setting for ATB recorders (score)
No. of Recorder Parts:
Members' Library Editions, Play-alongs
Date Added:
Laid-back/Slow, Recorded Accompaniment