Composition -
Ten Childhood Pieces
By Anthony St. Pierre March and April
trios, variously Sn S A T B
These little trios evoking scenes of childhood were inspired by the playful and reflective styles of Dimitri Kabalevsky. They are:

On the Playground; Lullaby; Bongo Drums; Merry-Go-Round; Clip-Clop; Hommage to Robert Schumann (op. 15, no. 1); Quip; Little Rondo; Tommy Guns; The Chase

The Prince Consort plays on the recording offered here (which does not include The Chase). Duration: 12:00

The rapid double tonguing in some of the movements may be the most challenging aspect of performance. Any or all of the pieces may be played in any order. They are well suited to school concerts. Also appropriate is the composer's L'intersidèral (Outer Space) trio, likewise available on the ARS website.
-- Anthony St. Pierre
The composer has recorded play-along accompaniments for five of these pieces. For each piece, all three play-along versions are in the same file (omitting respectively the first, second, and third parts). Full instructions, including time stamps for each version, are in the instructions.

Instructions for all five play-along pieces
Clopin-Clopan* (sSA) * Clip Clop of horses
Berceuse (ATB)
Hommage à R.S. [Robert Schumann] (ATB)
Petit Rondeau (ATB)
Humoresque (ATB)
Difficulty ranges from Easy to Challenging.
No. of Recorder Parts:
New Music for Recorder, Play-alongs
Date Added:
Concert, Fast/Up-tempo, Laid-back/Slow, Tonal/Melodic, Recorded Accompaniment