The triosonata, the sonata for two treble instruments and a bass, was one of the most popular forms of instrumental chamber music of the baroque and the Italian violinist, Archangelo Corelli, a universally renowned and influential composer in this genre. He composed two varieties of triosonata: the largely terpsichorian sonata da camera, and the sonata da chiesa or church sonata, founded on the organ idiom of the 17th century.
The present triosonata is of this second variety. The harmonic idiom, perhaps evoking Stravinsky in places, is thoroughly modern, but the overall form and the melodic style remain very "Corellian" hence the subtitle, The Modern Corelli. (An earlier subtitle, appearing on the SoundCloud recording, was Il Aggiornamento, meaning an "updating" or "renovation.") The piece is light-hearted parody.
Players of intermediate skill will be comfortable with the technical demands. Ideally, the two soprano recorders will be accompanied on the organ (8-ft. flute stop) Alternatively, the harpsichord is acceptable. The bass part (cello) is optional.
Duration: 7:00 Performed by Scott Paterson and Anthony St. Pierre, sopranos; and Anthony St. Pierre, organ.