Historical notes: If one tries to imagine music making in the homes of wealthy Dutch citizens of the 18th century, it is easy to think of the great composers of that era. However, that music may well have been beyond the skills of the average amateur, and so there was a large demand for more easy-to-play music. The Amsterdam publishers Estienne Roger (and later Pieter Mortier, largely plagiarizing Roger) capitalized on this, printing a collection of almost one thousand melodies, in multiple volumes. The present arranger felt unconstricted by any historical accuracy and has used a variety of styles and harmonic idioms to suit the pieces rather than attempting to recreate performance practice of the period. Click this link to go to Victor Eijkhout's web page describing his project: http://eijkhout.net/boerenlieties/
These three fun tunes were selected from a larger collection the arranger is currently developing. They are perfect for a casual play-in, or the first half of an ARS chapter meeting, because they are specifically designed for enjoyment by amateurs. I also like that the arranger uses notes that we traditionally shy away from, such as low Eb on the Tenor, and low Ab and F# on the Bass. Notes like these help keep us in shape, precisely because they are tricky.