Calendar of Events - American Recorder Society
Event Type:

December 2024

Events available for Registration...

FREE Online Alto Recorder Class for Beginners with Lisette Kielson
3/5/2025 - 3/15/2025
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FREE Online Beginners Class for Soprano/Tenor Recorder with Cornell Kinderknecht
3/18/2025 - 4/8/2025
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Second Level Beginners' Class with Annette Bauer: Continuing Technique (soprano/tenor recorder)
3/18/2025 - 4/8/2025
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Events in the month of December 2024

An All-Zoom Practice Challenge with Tish Berlin on Tuesdays and Thursdays
12/3, 12/5, 12/10, 12/12  at 10:00 am - 11:15 am PT/11:00 am - 12:15 pm MT/12:00 pm - 1:15 pm CT/1:00 pm - 2:15 pm ET

In this 4-session class packed into two weeks, you’ll practice technique exercises for 30 minutes with me, then spend 15 minutes on a medieval estampie and 15 minutes on a Telemann fantasia, focusing on effective practice methods for both pieces. For intermediate and up players of soprano and alto recorders. Pitch: a=440.

$100 for all four classes.  Classes will be recorded and available to stream for one month. To learn how to register, please write to Tish at


Payment: $25 per individual class, or $100 for all four. 

Electronic payment is preferred, but if paying by check please make your check out to Letitia Berlin and mail to 806 Washington Ave Albany CA 94706.

 Please make Canadian checks out in US dollars and have a US bank name and address printed on the check. Electronic payment options: Venmo, Zelle, ApplePay, or PayPal. If using PayPal, please add $2.00 to your payment (per class), unless you have a bank account linked to your PayPal account and can use the “sending to a friend” option.

Use this email address for most electronic payments:
 For Venmo use @Letitia-Berlin. 
Please register by filling out this form and returning it to me by email at
Please write “December 2024 class registration" at the beginning of your subject line.

1. Name:
2. Email address:
3. Mobile phone #:
4. Classes you want to take – please list by title and date: 

5. How you intend to pay:


If you have just gotten started with the bass recorder and want to move to the next level, this is the course for you! Professional recorder player and teacher Tish Berlin will cover basics such as hand and finger position, tonguing, and tone, and instill good habits for continuing to learn on your own or with a teacher. Students will need to purchase the 1986 edition of the Mönkemeyer method for the bass “Das Spiel auf der Bass Blockflöte”.  (This book may be available at Honeysuckle Music, and other sources.) This class is intended for recorder players who have taken an ARS beginning bass class, or for those who have some experience on the bass recorder.

Do you need to purchase a bass recorder?  I recommend starting out with a good plastic recorder, rather than a cheap wooden one. Yamaha makes very good plastic recorders. Consider purchasing an instrument from one of our business partners:  

Von Huene Workshop (The Early Music Shop of New England): (617) 277-8690
Honeysuckle Music: (651) 644-8545
Lazar’s Early Music: (770) 366-8596

This class is available at no charge to ARS members, only. When registering, use the email address associated with your ARS membership. If you are not an ARS member, you may click HERE to join.  These classes are limited in size to allow for interaction between the teacher and students. If you have already taken two or more of our Second Level classes, please wait until one week prior to the start of class to sign up, in order to allow a larger number of people to take advantage of these opportunities.

Tuesday, December 3rd, 6:15pm ET (5:15pm CT, 4:15pm MT, 3:15pm PT)
Thursday, December 5th, 6:15pm ET (5:15pm CT, 4:15pm MT, 3:15pm PT)
Tuesday, December 10th, 6:15pm ET (5:15pm CT, 4:15pm MT, 3:15pm PT)
Thursday, December 12th, 6:15pm ET (5:15pm CT, 4:15pm MT, 3:15pm PT)


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This year's series of online workshops of Christmas Music for recorder players led by Rachel Begley.  This year features features a bumper crop of music, gathered together in the form of musical Christmas Stockings: there's plenty of variety, and not only do we get to play the traditional and expected, but also some delightful, unanticipated surprises as well.

There are only four workshops this year, but these four will feature many new offerings for recorder players. Each workshop will include something traditional, something from the Renaissance, something from the Baroque era, something unfamiliar, and something secular. You are sure to find some old favorites in every workshop, as well as some fascinating new arrangements, some put together just for these workshops!  See the attached pdf for details of which pieces we will play when.
The workshops are held on Wednesday December 4 at 7pm ET, Saturday December 7 at 4pm, Wednesday December 18 at 7pm and Saturday December 21 at 4pm, though if you can't be with us live, all of them will be recorded and available on-demand until February 2025. Each workshop lasts around 90 minutes, and costs $25, with a discount on all four for $90. Check out the attached pdf for how to sign up. Please reach out to me by email ( if you have any questions. I do hope you will join us!

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This year's series of online workshops of Christmas Music for recorder players led by Rachel Begley.  This year features features a bumper crop of music, gathered together in the form of musical Christmas Stockings: there's plenty of variety, and not only do we get to play the traditional and expected, but also some delightful, unanticipated surprises as well.

There are only four workshops this year, but these four will feature many new offerings for recorder players. Each workshop will include something traditional, something from the Renaissance, something from the Baroque era, something unfamiliar, and something secular. You are sure to find some old favorites in every workshop, as well as some fascinating new arrangements, some put together just for these workshops!  See the attached pdf for details of which pieces we will play when.
The workshops are held on Wednesday December 4 at 7pm ET, Saturday December 7 at 4pm, Wednesday December 18 at 7pm and Saturday December 21 at 4pm, though if you can't be with us live, all of them will be recorded and available on-demand until February 2025. Each workshop lasts around 90 minutes, and costs $25, with a discount on all four for $90. Check out the attached pdf for how to sign up. Please reach out to me by email ( if you have any questions. I do hope you will join us!

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BCRS is pleased to invite you to our fifth annual Festivus for the Rest of Us celebration!  Started during the pandemic, our Festivus celebration, led by Colin and Andrea MacDonald, has become enormously popular and is now a BCRS tradition.

All are welcome to take part in this free, fun, and silly evening of games and music. For details on how to take part, read the tongue-in-cheek directions here. We look forward to seeing you!

All playing levels are welcome and this meeting is FREE for everyone. You must register for this event. Invite your friends!

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Three fabulous concerts in the San Francisco (CA) Bay Area:

Celebrate the holidays with an exuberant evening of Virtuoso Baroque Concertos, presented by Voices of Music. Experience the joyful viola of Telemann's Viola Concerto in G Major, the dazzling violin from Vivaldi's Violin Concerto in D Major (RV211), and a tempestuous recorder in Vivaldi's La Tempesta de Mare, as well as festive dance music by Telemann, Praetorius, and Purcell with percussionist Peter Maund.

Featured soloists:
     Manami Mizumoto, baroque viola
     Isabelle Seula Lee, baroque violin
     William Skeen, baroque cello
     Hanneke van Proosdij, recorder and harpsichord


Three performances in the San Francisco Bay Area:
December 6th, 2024, 7:30pm
First Church of Berkeley 
2330 Durant Ave (pedestrian and wheelchair entrance on Dana St)
Berkeley, CA 94704 
December 7th, 2024, 7:30pm
War Memorial Taube Atrium Theatre
401 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco, CA 94102
December 8th, 2024, 7pm
Unitarian Universalist Church
505 East Charleston Rd
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Live performances by Voices of Music deliver the highest-quality music, blending innovation, originality, and passion to introduce diverse audiences to the world of early classical music. For more information, including info on the remaining concerts in our season, go to 

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This year's series of online workshops of Christmas Music for recorder players led by Rachel Begley.  This year features features a bumper crop of music, gathered together in the form of musical Christmas Stockings: there's plenty of variety, and not only do we get to play the traditional and expected, but also some delightful, unanticipated surprises as well.

There are only four workshops this year, but these four will feature many new offerings for recorder players. Each workshop will include something traditional, something from the Renaissance, something from the Baroque era, something unfamiliar, and something secular. You are sure to find some old favorites in every workshop, as well as some fascinating new arrangements, some put together just for these workshops!  See the attached pdf for details of which pieces we will play when.
The workshops are held on Wednesday December 4 at 7pm ET, Saturday December 7 at 4pm, Wednesday December 18 at 7pm and Saturday December 21 at 4pm, though if you can't be with us live, all of them will be recorded and available on-demand until February 2025. Each workshop lasts around 90 minutes, and costs $25, with a discount on all four for $90. Check out the attached pdf for how to sign up. Please reach out to me by email ( if you have any questions. I do hope you will join us!

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Our December meeting, "A December Delight," led by member John McDonald, will feature Renaissance and modern selections, including dances, motets, a lullaby, wedding song, and a new arrangement of "Jingle Bells."  Born in Atlanta, Joh's interest in early music began in high school, where he played with the Early Music Consort under George Kelishek.  After studying at Middlebury and The University of Michigan, John returned to Atlanta to teach German, Latin, Computer Science, Drama, and Band.  He is past assistant director of the Early Music Collegium at U. Michigan, and director of The Early Music Consort at Emory.  John has retired to Candler, NC, where he is an active member of Carolina Mountains Recorder Society and Musicke Antiqua. 

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The breath of winter holds a hushed enchantment, a captivating stillness.” Scenes of winter and holiday revelry captivated many Renaissance poets and composers, including Lassus, Weelkes, Campion, and others. We’ll focus on how we use our breath as both an intimate connection to the instrument and to the character of the poetry expressed through music. Open to: recorder players, intermediate and up, viols also invited! Pitch: A=440Hz

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The Bergamasca Consort presents
Music to Celebrate the Season
Sunday December 8th at 3pm
Trinity Lutheran Community Church
1880 Apa Road, Point Roberts, WA
Music to Celebrate the Season
Free admission. Donations appreciated.
Saturday December 14th at 3pm
Old Hastings Mill Store Museum
1575 Alma Street (north end), Vancouver, BC
Leslie DeConinck, Tony Griffiths, Mareike Loptson, Betty McBurney, Lucie McNeill, Anthony Morgan, Sydney Welch

The ARS Chapter Rep Round Table is a forum in which chapter representatives can meet with their peers from around the country and discuss chapter challenges and best practices.

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The Bergamasca Consort presents
Music to Celebrate the Season
Sunday December 8th at 3pm
Trinity Lutheran Community Church
1880 Apa Road, Point Roberts, WA
Music to Celebrate the Season
Free admission. Donations appreciated.
Saturday December 14th at 3pm
Old Hastings Mill Store Museum
1575 Alma Street (north end), Vancouver, BC
Leslie DeConinck, Tony Griffiths, Mareike Loptson, Betty McBurney, Lucie McNeill, Anthony Morgan, Sydney Welch

NAVRS music director Annette Bauer directs the last playing meeting of the year 2024 on Saturday December 14th at 2pm Eastern with a theme of “Winter Solstice and the Return of The Light”. Many different traditions in the Northern Hemisphere celebrate the light in the midst of the long and dark winter nights. Annette will lead you through a selection of music that is inspired by this theme - from an arrangement of Bartok’s "Winter Solstice" to different Renaissance pieces describing the three wise men following the bright star, to music related to the festival of lights, or Santa Lucia, as well as some seasonal favorites to round out the year!

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Join us on Sunday December 15 at 2 PM at St. John’s Episcopal, 3857 North Kostner, for the Chicago chapter’s annual Yuletide concert.  
Note that the church plans to host a piano recital in the sanctuary, that will be finishing at 2 PM.  Please go downstairs quietly as you enter the building and set up there.  After the piano students are finished, we can set up chairs and get started. 
Lots of musicians and groups participating this year!  We will look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

This year's series of online workshops of Christmas Music for recorder players led by Rachel Begley.  This year features features a bumper crop of music, gathered together in the form of musical Christmas Stockings: there's plenty of variety, and not only do we get to play the traditional and expected, but also some delightful, unanticipated surprises as well.

There are only four workshops this year, but these four will feature many new offerings for recorder players. Each workshop will include something traditional, something from the Renaissance, something from the Baroque era, something unfamiliar, and something secular. You are sure to find some old favorites in every workshop, as well as some fascinating new arrangements, some put together just for these workshops!  See the attached pdf for details of which pieces we will play when.
The workshops are held on Wednesday December 4 at 7pm ET, Saturday December 7 at 4pm, Wednesday December 18 at 7pm and Saturday December 21 at 4pm, though if you can't be with us live, all of them will be recorded and available on-demand until February 2025. Each workshop lasts around 90 minutes, and costs $25, with a discount on all four for $90. Check out the attached pdf for how to sign up. Please reach out to me by email ( if you have any questions. I do hope you will join us!

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This year's series of online workshops of Christmas Music for recorder players led by Rachel Begley.  This year features features a bumper crop of music, gathered together in the form of musical Christmas Stockings: there's plenty of variety, and not only do we get to play the traditional and expected, but also some delightful, unanticipated surprises as well.

There are only four workshops this year, but these four will feature many new offerings for recorder players. Each workshop will include something traditional, something from the Renaissance, something from the Baroque era, something unfamiliar, and something secular. You are sure to find some old favorites in every workshop, as well as some fascinating new arrangements, some put together just for these workshops!  See the attached pdf for details of which pieces we will play when.
The workshops are held on Wednesday December 4 at 7pm ET, Saturday December 7 at 4pm, Wednesday December 18 at 7pm and Saturday December 21 at 4pm, though if you can't be with us live, all of them will be recorded and available on-demand until February 2025. Each workshop lasts around 90 minutes, and costs $25, with a discount on all four for $90. Check out the attached pdf for how to sign up. Please reach out to me by email ( if you have any questions. I do hope you will join us!

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How to Ornament in 90 Minutes—van Eyck and Telemann Show us How! Well, embellishing music is actually more of a long-term project for some of us—indeed, it can be a daunting task! Thankfully, there are wonderful publications out there to help us grasp the vast possibilities. Also thankfully, some composers themselves demonstrated literally how to do it. Some in treatises with how-to musical examples, charts, and tables, and some in their own compositions, note by note, showing us the way. Jacob van Eyck (c.1590-1657) and Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) are such composers. Examining and playing their embellishments can be an enjoyable and helpful part of the learning process. In this workshop we will look at some of van Eyck’s tunes and Telemann’s adagios and begin to explore their ‘ornamental’ language. Even in their different time periods, musical forms and styles, we find similarities, patterns, a vocabulary that over time we can emulate and eventually make our own!

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The American Recorder Society provides this calendar as a convenience to our members. Event information is provided by the event sponsors, and any questions should be submitted to the contact in the event listing.