NAVRS Workshop with Beverly Lomer and Sian Ricketts
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Eastern
Event Type(s)
Online Event
Event Description
Celestial Music - An Introduction to the Music of Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)

In this workshop, we will explore the art of performing the monophonic chants of 12th century nun composer, Hildegard of Bingen, on recorders. The session will begin with an overview of the life and work of Hildegard as a theologian/writer and composer and a presentation that covers the unique aspects of her musical style: manuscript sources, notation, text/melody relationship and other unique features of the 72 pieces found in the song cycle, known as the Symphonia (Symphony of the Harmony of Celestial Revelations). The second half of the program will be a guided playing session and further exploration of those aspects of Hildegard’s chants that are relevant to recorder performance. Some examples would be – the interpretation of ornamental neumes, the addition of Bb not signed in the manuscript, the ranges of the songs as they relate to recorder performance, expressivity and some creative ways of playing medieval chant.
Online Meeting
Contact Person
Mike Richart
(phone: 777-777-7777)
NAVRS workshops are for NAVRS members only. Membership is $20 and our workshops are $20 each. If you have questions, please check our website or contact us.
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