The Rose & The Briar
7:30 PM Saturday, 3PM Sunday
Event Description
The Rose & The Briar

Baroque Chamber Orchestra of Colorado collaborates with Chivalrous Crickets to present a transatlantic tour. Emigrants from the British Isles packed their bags for the nascent land of America with their stories and tunes in tow, their music settling in the Appalachian hills. Here new instruments picked up old melodies and historical ballads took on a life of their own. Centered on the ballad of Barbara Allen, compositions include those by Henry Purcell, John Playford, Niel Gowell, Jeremiah Ingles, ballads collected by Francis James Child, and tunes composed by the collective hands of generations of fiddlers and pipers.

Saturday August 3 in Boulder at 7:30 pm, at First Congregational Church, 1128 Pine St, Boulder
Sunday, August 4 in Denver at 3pm, at St. Thomas Church, 2201 Dexter St., Denver

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