San Francisco Early Music Society Baroque Workshop
6/24/2024 - 6/30/2024
See website for details
Event Type(s)
Event Description
This summer, grab your best brocade jacket and come join director Lindsey Strand-Polyak and the SFEMS Baroque Workshop faculty as we become “Americans in Paris” for a weeklong exploration of French and French-influenced music. The court of Louis XIV was imitated all over Europe in architecture, design, fashion, art, language—and yes, music. Besides diving into composers such as Lully, Couperin and Rameau, we’ll look at those outside the Gallic lands who soaked up and reflected French style—yes, even Johann Sebastian Bach.

The Baroque Workshop will be a full week of immersive musicking open to singers, keyboard and plucked continuo instrumentalists, as well as wind and string players. There will be classes on ornamentation and baroque dance (naturellement!), large ensembles such as orchestra and oboe band, chamber music, special talks and technique classes. Special events include Concerto Night, Faculty Concert, Chamber and Orchestra concerts, and new for 2024…Cantata Night!

The Baroque Workshop welcomes players of all levels of experience and ability who want a supportive and welcoming place to discover and develop new musical skills. Pitch for the workshop will be at A=415.
First Presbyterian Church and First Congregational Church (First Church Berkeley UCC)
Berkeley, CA

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