Starting in April, Seattle Recorder Society will sponsor a four-session beginning recorder program for 9-13 year-olds, called the Junior Recorder Ensemble of Puget Sound (JREPS). The class will be taught by SRS member Nancy Gorbman, who led a similar group last summer on Vancouver Island.
The program will run on four consecutive Friday evenings from 4 – 5 pm, April 12, 19, 26 and May 3. . Each participant will be provided with an “Ecodear” soprano recorder, a music folder with sheet music and handouts. Music stands will be provided at the sessions. The cost of the program is $47.50 and includes the recorder. Financial aid is available if needed.
Setting: In-Person Third Place Commons (Stadler Room) 17171 Bothell Way NE Lake Forest Park, WA 98155