Call for ARS Board Nominations
Call for nominations for the ARS Board

• Have you yourself ever considered serving on the ARS Board?
• Do you know someone who you think would be a good Board member?

The Board renewal cycle is starting and we are very interested in receiving nominations from ARS members. They might be people who you know have served admirably in a local ARS Chapter, or other musical or non-profit organizations. They might be teachers, business people, professional players, librarians, writers and so on. The aim is to obtain a slate of dedicated and diverse people who will work hard in promoting the recorder and its music.

The Board meets twice a year, hosted by various ARS Chapters. At these meetings the Board decides on the annual goals under the six main initiatives of the ARS, and then most of the work is carried out by communicating by mail or by phone. Most people have found serving on the Board to be interesting and rewarding.

The ARS goals can make use of a diverse range of skills, but in particular we are keen to find a qualified replacement for our long-serving Treasurer.

Please send your suggestions for board members (and enquiries) to Tony Griffiths, ARS Secretary, email address:


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